The Locker Room (A Personal Story)

When I asked for people to send and share their personal bullying stories on this website, I truly never expected much more than the typical physical or emotional abuse stories to come in. As I wrote my stories on this website over the last few years, I thought, in fear, about sharing some of the ones I thought were too harsh. But now I realize that others have had to deal with much more extremes of bullying than I ever did and they are brave enough to share them here. I received this story from Adam, who is a 47-year-old successful person. Just as with the last personal story, this one is a tough read and PG-13. I truly feel for Adam and what he went through. It takes a lot of courage to put this kind of story out there for others to read and understand. Here is “The Locker Room” ~ Alan Eisenberg

When I was in seventh grade, I was a victim of bullying that crossed the line into prolonged criminal abuse and sexual assault. At the time, in the mid to late 1970s, bullying was not recognized as a serious issue the way it is today, and there was still a lot of stigma involved with being victimized in any sort of sexual way. Any sort of claims of bullying or hazing or abuse, especially among teen boys in a locker room, was dismissed as “boys will be boys,” even in extreme cases such as mine.

The locker room in seventh grade is already a tricky place for boys to navigate. Boys of all different stages of puberty and development changing clothes and even showering in front of one another, all of them self-conscious in one way or another, being in a “locker room situation” for the first time in their lives. Everyone tries to act natural but I know I was nervous and I think most of us were. I was average size for my age (13 years old), a little bit tall and reasonably athletic, but I had not begun to develop yet as far as puberty goes. I was a little bit self-conscious about this, but not truly embarrassed, and I was OK with being in the locker room in front of other guys.

About a month into seventh grade, on a day when the gym coach had told us all to “hit the showers,” two of my classmates named Deon and Jimmy – bigger and more developed than me – accused me of “checking them out” in the shower and began teasing me. They suggested that I was gay, teased me about my own body, and followed me back to my locker asking me loudly if I wanted to keep looking at them. It was very embarrassing, but I just kept my mouth shut and walked away from them. There was laughter and jokes but I tried to ignore it and I thought it would go away.

The next couple of days in gym class, these same two boys continued to tease me. While I changed clothes at my locker, they would walk past and call me names and ask if I wanted to see their private parts. One day, one of them pulled his out and suggested that I should perform a sexual act on him. I continued to ignore it silently, but it got harder and harder, and when I tried to tell him to leave me alone, my voice cracked and I had tears in my eyes. I think that was all they needed. They sensed weakness, they sensed that they were getting to me, so they kept it up. I should have told someone, but I was afraid and ashamed.

The next time the coach told us to shower, I was very nervous but I tried to just get in and out as quickly as I could. But when I came out of the shower, with my towel wrapped around me, Deon and Jimmy were waiting for me. They blocked my path to my locker, and when I tried to move past them Deon pulled my arm behind my back and whispered to me that if I yelled or cried or called for help that he was going to hurt me. Well, he was already hurting my arm and I was already scared enough, so I bit my lip and kept quiet. They pushed me into the back corner of the locker room and into a small storage room used for athletic equipment. By now I was crying my eyes out but not making a sound out of fear for what they would do to me. Deon pushed me down to my knees and told me to look at Jimmy and offer oral sex to him. He made me say it three times, and I will never forget the sound of those words coming out of my mouth. I thought that’s all it would be, just this dreadful humiliation. My towel had fallen off, so i was naked and being forced to say these embarrassing things, and they were both laughing. But than Jimmy pulled his underwear down and I realized that they weren’t just joking or threatening.

I sobbed my eyes out and I begged them to let me go, but Deon just pulled my arm harder, so I did what they wanted me to do. I didn’t know how to actually do it of course, but that didn’t matter. They made me perform oral sex and they laughed at me the whole time. When they had enough, they let me go, but they told me that they were going to do it to me whenever they wanted and that if I told anyone about it or tried to get them in trouble, they would put me in the hospital or kill me. And I believed them.

The abuse lasted the whole year of seventh grade. Several times each month I would be pulled into that storage room and forced to perform oral sex on Deon and Jimmy. They took turns. On a few occasions, they tried to sodomize me. The psychological damage was done (and some minor physical damage as well). Our coach was an older man, nearing retirement, who tended to sit in his office oblivious to what went on in the locker room. He never knew about any of this.

When I returned for eighth grade, both Deon and Jimmy were gone. I don’t know what happened to them. They were terrible students and the might have just dropped out or flunked out, or they might have ended up in juvenile detention. I don’t know and I didn’t ask. Thankfully I never saw either one of them again.

So what did I do? I never told the coach about it, or any teacher, or any counselor at my school. I never told my parents, or, god forbid, my brother or my sister. I never told my friends. I kept my mouth shut and tried to “deal with it,” which admittedly was easier to do with the two of them gone. I grew comfortable in the locker room once again, though I never went back near that back corner ever again. Amazingly I was able to keep it together well enough that no one ever suspected the torture that I was subjected to that year.

I had a very normal time in high school and college. I was a good student, played sports, had girlfriends. But I had those memories inside of me that I had never shared with a soul, and I used to have nightmares in which I relived the abuse. Finally, in my mid-20s, I went to a counselor and told him the story in all of its gory details. Simply talking about it, speaking the words, was a tremendous weight off my chest. I shed a lot of tears, but I told him everything. With time, I was able to talk to certain trusted people – a couple of close friends, and the wonderful woman who eventually became my wife. I never gave them the complete details that I gave to the counselor and that I have just given to you, but I talked to them about the fact that I had been subjected to terrifying abuse in seventh grade, that it occurred in the locker room, and that I had never told anyone about it. In each case, I told them that I would tell them as much as they wanted to know, but they understood enough that they didn’t need to ask for more specifics. I chose wisely regarding whom to tell, because each person I spoke with has been loving and supportive.

Through their support, and the understanding words of my counselor, I was able to fully put this abuse behind me. Today I am a happy, successful 47-year-old man with a good career, a wonderful wife and two awesome children. What happened to me in seventh grade is a part of my past, but it is no longer a part of my present. Every time I see a news report about bullying, I think back to what I went through – not in a terrified way, but in a way that makes me want to reach out and help other kids who go through hard times. If my story helps anyone, then I will be happy. I went through the worst kind of violence, abuse and humiliation. Though I don’t like to actually use the word, I know it is true — I was a rape victim. But I got through it, and if I can get through it, I know other abuse victims have hope, too.


35 thoughts on “The Locker Room (A Personal Story)

  1. Pingback: Ben Millman’s Story Read « Bullying Stories

  2. Pingback: Teen Bullying Isn’t Okay. (2) « door2mythoughts

  3. i think that u should have told anybody as much as possible couse they shouldnt have done that to you and its good that u didnt see or heard of them anymore and thankfully they are were they deserve to be in jail i tottally feel chew and im glad that u grown up to be a better person well gtg bye

  4. There are many articles and videos currently telling bullied students that it will get better. Unfortunately, a distant hope may be of little comfort to a bullied student as evidenced by the most recent suicide in Pennsylvania of Brandon Bitner. I want to let parents and students know that there is an alternative to “toughening it out” in a public school. In my new book, “The Strong, Sensitive Boy” I discuss alternatives to attending public school for sensitive boys.
    By the time a bullied child graduates high school, the young person may be traumatized for life so it’s crucial that no child experiences bullying.

    Articles for parents about bullying are available on my web site: or by clicking on the following links:

    Thank you.

    Ted Zeff, Ph.D.
    amazon link for the book:

    • The Locker Room story is a very painful one to me as well Katlynn. I certainly hope that in the future we can read less stories like this and protect those victims of the bullies more.

  5. As a victim of bullying and sexual abuse I know what you went through. It has taken me many years to come to terms with what happened. Now I live for the future and don’t live in the past, as it would eat away and destroy me. Well done for telling your story and moving on with your life.

  6. Oh my gosh this brought tears to my eyes Im so sorry this happend to you,Im glad your choosing to put this behind you if that happend to me I would be SO self conshious.

  7. I know what you mean Tanya. If you let the this sort of thing dig away and infest your life, the people who commit such horrendous crimes are the ones who are the winners.
    I have as I said after many years came to terms with what happened to me with the help of family and my many friends. And I refused to be a victim no longer.

  8. I was bullied a great deal in my life and sexually abused many times. Back in the 60’s people did not care like they do now. As time has gone by I realize more and more that the bully grows up and is an adult bully as well. They normally get really good at it and it is mental so many times it goes unnoticed except for the one that is being bullied. Your story is hard to read, but it will help someone in some way realize that you can pull your life into what ever direction you want to. I did, and now I am a strong defender for the bullied.

  9. i’ve been bullied ever since i’ve been in school .i’ve been told you’re UGLY ,REDARED ,FAT, and many more.I soon started to believe it untill my mother told me you are who you are it doesn’t matter about the way u look act or or dress it just matters who you are

  10. I feels so arty for you and I honestly hope that those boys are sitting in a federal prison right now for the abuse they made you endure.

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  12. i really respect uu and those uneducated animals are somewhere in a bad place maybe jail because what goes around comes back aaround and u dont have nothing to get ashamed of im 16 years old teenager and im a bisexual and i really suffer alot but life goes and at the end every body gonna be in his place which he/she deserves

  13. My sons are 12, 14 and 17 and one of the things we have done as males early on is get comfortable with our bodies. Bullies feed on fear, so my sons and I camp together, gym together, shower together at camp and gym, and by the time they are 12 they are comfortable with their bodies and dont show shyness or fear when doing the locker room ritual. None of my boys have been bullied. When it looks like it might start, they just man up and refuse to take it. Boys who are raised soft with little girl shyness and all that nonsense are the most likely victims, my sons have defended many a buddy who was soft or wimpy. Boys need to become men early on, and its because of the attention of good men, good fathers and brothers that they do. The cause of bullies is weakness in the victim, that is caused by lack of manly attention and example. If you are being bullied, blame your ball-less father. Take back your manhood, if mommy has your balls in a tupperware in the freezer, get them back.

    • Robb – This was my story of abuse that I submitted, and I am only now reading your comment. As the years have passed I have come to believe that you are correct (although I might phrase it a little bit more tactfully, seeing as how it’s my balls in that Tupperware you’re talking about). My dad was very much absent in my life, and I was raised by my mom and very much influenced by my older sister. I’d like to think that I have grown less soft as I’ve gotten older, and I am now raising an 11-year-old son and a 13-year-old daughter. If at all possible, I would like to talk with you or exchange emails, because you seem to be a good father and a strong male role model, and I might be able to learn something as it relates to raising my son. Would that be possible?

    • I have come to believe that you are largely correct, although I might phrase it a bit more diplomatically (seeing as how those were my balls in the tupperware). But you make some good points, and it will not surprise you to know that my parents were divorced and my dad was largely absent in my life. I was raised by my mom and heavily influenced by my older sister. I’d like to think I’ve gotten less soft as I’ve gotten older. I am currently the father of an 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl, trying to do my best by them. Robb, I would like to talk with you or exchange emails. You seem to be a good dad and a strong male role model and I’d like to get in touch with you regarding some decisions about raising my son.

    • What? This is a bulls*$t response and you’re victim blaming. The cause of bullies is THE BULLIES. They obviously have issues of their own that they project onto other people to make themselves feel better. Your image of masculinity is toxic. There are certain times when you need to toughen up and stand up for yourself, but the way you phrased it is horrible. You’re not doing anything to solve the problem. You’re looking to avoid it.

      • Kris:
        You are correct. There is no manning up concept and we are not a society (hopefully) that requires every “man” to act the same. I am an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person). This is not a choice, but an attribute. I am happy that I am, because empathy is a main by-product of this. Out of all the stories (even my own) on this website, this one gets the most attention. I know why, but do not say. But Adam should and can feel comfortable in his own skin. He doesn’t need to put on someone else’s to make others feel better. Trust me, I did that for about 25 years.

  14. Sorry to hear that. I’m gay and the worst thing that happened to me was getting called out for looking at a guy the wrong way.

  15. Respect that you posted this story! I am sorry about your past. Please continue with ur Life and go on. Try to forget all of this. Thanks for posting this! Have a nice Life


  16. I use to get bullied and teased for being uncircumcised in high school locker room communal showers too was bullied. Made me ashamed of my body I still get teased once in awhile in the communal showers at the local university for being uncircumcised

    • Sorry that a body image issue was getting you teased. Remember that there could be many reasons others tease you. Since we can’t mind read what others think, maybe believe that it is their own self-image that makes them do what they do. Stay strong.

  17. You should have told someone. I have an experience like this. Well, not exactly. Now i am 14(a boy) but when i was 13, one of the boys at my school started saying something to irritate me. I said something back to him. I thought that was over. After school, when i was leaving, 10 of his friends stopped me and one of them pinned my arms behind my back. Then they started hitting me in my stomach and sexual parts. They tortured me like this for 1 hour. After some time, i began to vomit blood. Then they left me in the classroom. I could not even stand. I staggered to the door and luckily, a teacher who had afterschool duties saw me and gave me first aid. I told her everything and she dropped at my home in her car. I still remember that horrible experience.

    • I was13 and was cornered after school by a 16-17 year old. He ripped my pants down and tried to sodomize me. I screamed and my older brother came running. He was a baseball player and had his bat with him. He broke both of the guys knees into pieces, he wasnt going anywhere. He called the police on his cell phone, and told me not to move, even with my pants down. Police came and took photos and had the crime lab lift his fingerprints off me and my books. Went to hospital and doctor said I had been epentrated and needed stitched in my butthole. The judge was really pissed and the olderguy was tried as an adult and got 25 to life for rape. I love my brother so much, i might have got killed. He didnt leave my side for 2 whole weeks while i recovered. Helped me shower and dress, i couldnt sit, so he brought me food in my room. Every kid needs a brohter like Nick.

  18. In high school I didn’t go to dances or date girls because I was just socially backward, so everybody just assumed I was gay and dismissed me as a ‘faggot’. That was long ago, but it still hurts.


  19. I’m 17 and i been through hell in middle school. but omg this story is like wow. I’ve been bullied myself.but not as bad as this .but this story is like question is where are the teachers at these moments ya know. you should have told your family or at least one member because they could support you like your brother or sister mom dad whoever you have. family is everything they will always have your back .and if you can use self defense . if not try running from them. But I hope you doing better. p.s I know its hard to talk but speak out on bullying if you can because no matter how much help you give help is help.

  20. My situation was similar to all the rest. Older bigger kids forcing themselves on me. I was told to perform oral sex on the bigger guy or they would beat me to a pulp. Since they were the coaches heroes; I figured I had no chance. They forced me to take his penis in my mouth and try to swallow it. I got so angry, I clamped down with all my teeth and force of my jaw and chewed his penis almost till it separated from his body. Ive never seen so much blood. At the same time I held his testicles and with both hands yanked down on them as hard as I could. The kid was on the floor, unconscious and bleeding. I quickly cleaned myself up when the coach came in and asked me what happaned. I told him the two boys were doing gay sex and slipped on the wet floor. They called the rescue squad. The kid I was forced to suck had to have major surgery to fix his penis, and one of his balls was removed since I squished it. Both kids never came back to school.

    • Sequel: I found out the older kid went to prison for 25 to life for rape, and was subsequently killed in prison for being a child molestor. The other one died of AIDS recently. The world has a way of righting wrongs. I got tested and I am HIV negative. I WIN !

  21. It has been a very humiliating experience. Please forget it. (As best you can). I sympathise. No one should endure this.

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