Honest Cartoons on Tough Subjects

It never ceases to amaze me how many people are involved in the struggle to end bullying. While I feel it can never truly end as I see it as a human nature problem, how we discuss and view it does need to change. I was recently contacted by a few artists that are working on cartoon drawings to sell on tough subjects, to include bullying, divorce, and death.

We all deal with struggles and sometimes it is hard to keep a perspective on what we are going through. The cartoons that these two women are creating help us to understand and deal with the long-term effects that these issues have.

Stephanie Piro and Kelly Kamowski have been cartoonists and mothers for over 25 years. They create compassionate cartoons about difficult subjects such as bullying, divorce, and death from child and adult perspectives. The intent is to show people they are not alone in what they are dealing with.

They sell the cartoons for a minimal amount for use on blogs, websites, and in publications. Please contact Kelly if you are interested in purchasing a cartoon — kellykamow95@gmail.com Below is a sample of one of their bullying cartoons. To view their divorce and death cartoons go to www.kamowski.com/divorce and www.kamowski.com/death

Bullying Cartoon