Bully Incident: The Wicked Witch (1976)

When I first wrote this story so many years ago now, I realized that I felt resentment toward my mother and adults that couldn’t help me with the bullying I was experiencing. I now realize I have to own these stories and can’t reset the action or inaction of others, because in many cases they just didn’t know and it wasn’t their fault that the situation happened. These situations do happen and we have to accept that it is the case and take ownership of the lesson learning. Unfortunately, in this case, the lesson was to walk away and not interact with this situation. ~Alan Eisenberg

Bullying Stories

This next story I want to share took place around when I was around 7 and really was less about me being bullied then about my family. I am the youngest in the family. I have a sister two-and-a-half years older than me. When we first moved to Lexington, MA, where most of the bullying took place, we had moved from Maryland.

Lexington was vastly different. The people were different then what we were used to. I was less in the know on this, but talk to my parents frequently about our years in Lexington and the issues the whole family had.

Soon after we moved there, my mom walked my sister and me to the school playground at Franklin Elementary, where I went to elementary school and where much of my early bullying incidents took place. This would be the first incident at the school grounds, long before schools made bully…

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